It’s important to note that bandwidth and Jumbo Frames are two separate items. Generally, Jumbo Frames are defined as any packet size greater than 1500 bytes. The standard packet size exists below 1500 bytes and is defined by the IEEE 802.3 standard, which ranges from 64 bytes to 1518 bytes. Sizes greater than 1500 bytes are referred to as Jumbo Frames.
There are two important factors in regard to network equipment performance and the standard for packet size.
First, the network equipment is generally tested at only 64 bytes which is the smallest size in the range.
Second, many network cameras with megapixel sizes greater than 2MP will have a packet size more than the upper standard limit of 1518 bytes. As IEEE 802.3 defines packet size range, no standards for processing or transmitting packet sizes greater than 1518 bytes exist. As part of the IEEE 802.3 application to network products when operating at network speeds of 100Mbps, the ability to accept and process packet sizes of more than 1518 bytes is not possible with many network switches, extenders, and other infrastructure components.
In many cases, network products operating at speeds of 1000Mbps will be able to process Jumbo Frames. The problem is differences that exist between a camera with a 100Mbps bandwidth port, and a switch set to receive at 1000Mbps. Setting the network switch’s bandwidth at 1000Mbps when receiving 100Mbps from a camera is not the answer. This can result in incompatibility issues between the two devices, resulting in information loss and even a possible connection loss. Even if the switch is set to auto bandwidth, sensing mismatches can result in auto flip between half and full-duplex, resulting in different problems.